Engan Associates provides client-centered architecture and interior design services for healthcare, business, and community projects.
Engan Mission
Engan Associates provide client-centered architectural services providing knowledge and integrity to bring order to chaos in the building industry.

Engan Vision
Design based on respect for the environment, sustainable and wise use of land, efficient planning, and design appropriate to need and location.
Engan Values
We succeed when our clients succeed.
We succeed to the extent that our clients’ goals are met. We strive to maintain long-range relationships based on trust and confidence. Our clients’ interests are our own and are confidential.
We agree the firm is the sum of its means.
Firm compensation is based fairly on our contribution to our clients. Employees are compensated fairly on the basis of their contribution to the firm. We support a secure, challenging, and rewarding work experience for all employees. The firm is managed to generate a profit. Engan Associates is an equal opportunity employer.
We support the communities where we work.
We utilize community resources responsibly. We support architecture and the built environment locally, state-wide, nationally, and internationally.
We promote employees' quality of life.
Engan Associates exists to benefit our families and the communities where they live. Our family orientation results in concern for the environment and institutions inherited by future generations. We practice the values we want to instill in our children – character, diligence, knowledge, and openness to all people.