A unique two-stage amphitheater/bandshell landmark performance center is planned for Robbins Island Regional Park. The structure is planned to consist of two stages allowing for a variety of event opportunities. The amphitheater/bandshell is a community effort being spearheaded by the Rotary Club of Willmar. After brainstorming, the committee hired Engan Associates Architects to work with them on a Predesign.
After research and presentations, Engan’s team shared that the two-stage amphitheater/bandshell will have a 1,536 square foot main stage on the front and a 626 square foot rear stage. The main stage allows for approximately a 10,000 person crowd and the rear stage allows for a more intimate venue with room for about 500 people. The placement of the structure on the natural landscape allows for the stage to be one level but has the main stage being higher from ground level than the rear stage. This creates a better view of the main stage for large crowds and creates a more intimate setting for the rear stage. The amphitheater/bandshell will also include storage, a restroom for performers, and a green room.
The design has been inspired by other similar projects and the other Robbin Island structures. While the intent is to use materials similar to other Robbin Island structures the amphitheater is designed with a unique butterfly roof. Engan’s team made sure to consider speakers, sound equipment, and lighting to create the most optimal conditions for the performers and audience members. The amphitheater’s possibilities give it the potential to be a landmark in the Willmar community.
The Rotary Club Bandshell Committee is working with Engan Associates Architects to determine the next steps in the planning and fundraising efforts for this unique build.