Renville-Sibley Cooperative Power Association (RSCPA) started in 1938 in Fairfax and moved to Danube in 1948. RSCPA has been talking about a new facility since 2008. Now after many years and partnerships including partnering with Engan Associates Architects. They have now broke ground on their new $8.3 million dollar facility which is planned to be operational in July of 2023. The new facility will allow a singular campus and allow for better efficiencies.
Engan’s team worked with Breitbach construction and the team at RSCPA to create a design that suited the employees. The 10-acre headquarters will feature the main offices and garage/warehouse. Engan provided its first renderings in May of 2021. The project went out for bid in May as well and due to the increasing cost of steel, the project was then redesigned to use precast concrete a stronger and longer-lasting material. The team has laid the site out in a way to allow future expansion and room for protentional solar panels and electric car charging stations.