The Shared Vision
Morris, MN
The Student Center at the University of Minnesota-Morris is a hub of student activity. A small lounge is provided near the Information Center and Turtle Mountain Cafe, but a larger gathering space was needed within this busy building.

Innovative Design
Lounge furnishings, tables, counters, a pool table and audio/visual equipment were all set in place to enhance the student experience. Storage cubbies were added allow the student groups to have a home base for their supplies, and chalkboards were installed to let the students personalize the space at will. Simple finishes mimic those used on the upper level of the student center, yet blend with the playful pops of color reserved for Louie’s. The result of this project was a new space that students, faculty and staff enjoy for its warmth and comfort.
Sandra Olson-Loy
Vice Chancellor – University of Minnesota-Morris
We LOVE Louie’s… cool great space!
Bring Your Vision To Life
Together, we'll bring your vision to life to create a project you're proud of for decades to come.