Project Plans

Project Plans, Specifications and Plan Holder List Access

Engan Associates provides the plan drawings, specifications, and inclusion into the Plan Holder List for projects we manage. Interested contractors, consultants, and other parties can access these plans. There is a process in place for plan document access that is explained below. Links to access a digital copy (PDF) of both the plan drawings and specifications (project manual) are placed on our website. Each project has its own link to a password-protected page containing access.
In an effort to manage costs and to maintain an accurate Plan Holder List, there is a $25.00 non-refundable fee. Upon payment (or proof of payment), you will be provided the web page link and password to access the digital files. If paying by check, emailing or faxing a copy of the check payable to Engan Associates will allow you to have access provided to you the same day, eliminating the need for the check to arrive at our office.
By providing your company and contact information, you will also be placed on our Plan Holder List. This list is used to keep a record of all plan holders for future project information and addenda, as well as providing details on the General Contractors who are bidding on the project. Hard (paper) copies of the plan drawings and specifications are also available. There is a refundable deposit required that varies depending upon the specific project, and once paid (or providing proof of payment) a set of project documents will be shipped to you via UPS. If the hard copies are returned, your check will be returned to you. The $25.00 non-refundable fee is in addition to the deposit and must be paid whether receiving only digital, only paper, or both. When preparing payment for hard copies, it is helpful if you cut two checks: one for the fee and a second for the deposit. To access plans, please contact us using the information below.
Please note, the following contact information is for plan document access only. For technical questions, please contact the project manager directly, or call our main line at (320)235-0860. 
Stacy Holwerda
Administrative Assistant

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Project Plans Inquiry - Engan